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Toddler falls from 2nd storey window (Eastwood)
A toddler suffered serious injuries when he fell from a second storey window at Eastwood, in Sydney's north-west, today.
Police met the team when the helicopter landed in a Somerville park off Blaxland Road and took the CareFlight trauma doctor and duty ambulance paramedic to the scene in May Street, some 800 metres away.
The CareFlight doctor said the boy fell an estimated 13 metres from the window in a block of units.
His mother then carried her injured boy back up to the unit and called the NSW Ambulance Service whose paramedics arrived to find the child semi-conscious.
Police met the CareFlight trauma team at Somerville park and took them to the boy in nearby May Street. |
They called CareFlight and carried the boy back down to the ambulance where they were met by the CareFlight trauma team.
As the boy was being taken to hospital in a road ambulance the CareFlight doctor placed him in an induced coma and placed him on a ventilator to control his breathing.
The boy remained in a serious but stable condition on arrival at the Children's Hospital at Westmead.
Don't wait for the new safety rule
The NSW Government is bringing in a new rule which will require upper storey windows to be child proofed.
CareFlight urges parents not to wait until the rules take effect in May as they will apply to only new buildings from then.
CareFlight urges parents to put in preventative measures to stop upper storey windows being opened more than 125 mm (12.5 cm) or to be fitted with reinforced screens.
Ambulance paramedics call CareFlight medical teams to more than a dozen children injured in falls from windows across Sydney each year. It is estimated that, nationally, once every week a child is injured in a fall from a window.